Saturday, June 11, 2011

Jesus Death

Why did they kill Jesus

Two thousand years ago the parasite beast was alive an well. There were many reasons why they would kill Jesus.

1)He fed a multitude with three tiny fish. This was competing with the selfish people, it lowered the price of fish. This is a breach of antitrust law.

2)He healed the sick, this would be competing with the witch doctors of the time.
This is also breach of antitrust law.

3)He said it is easier for a camel to enter the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.

4)He upset the tables of the money chandlers. This is an act of terrorism.

5)He told people to share and that the more you give is the more you will receive.
That is communism.

6)He said a lot more too. But this was enough to seal his fate.

As you can see all this would piss-off the parasite beast, bringing him the label of a communist.

The parson would be right in line with the beast. To teach the people fear of hell fire, and worship of the beast.

This fear tactics is being continued today, notice the republican reasoning for charring on the arms race.

Hence the warrant was out for his arrest.

Suppose there was a war and no one came.

Suppose all soldiers, police and criminals were to go home and seek another way to make a living.

The parasite system would have ended.

Unuseminucum started 06/11/2011